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72nd Independence Day of India

Dear friends , I wish you 72nd Independence Day of the country. All of us know about the day for which we have gathered here. Today is the Independence Day of India. I am very excited to celebrate this great day in a very excellent manner. Today is the 72nd Independence Day Speech of India. Today we are going to hoist the national flag Tricolor and salute the sacrifice made by the Indian Freedom fighters. I am very proud to call me an Indian and lucky to talk today here. All of you have given me a chance to speak towards you in the Independence Day. I would ike to thanks all of you and my class teacher who selected me to speak in front of you. This way I am going to share all my views on the Free of India. Independence Day is celebrated every year on the 15th August 2018. India was freed on the night of 14th August in 1947. After the Independence Day , the Prime Minister of India i.e. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru delivered a speech on the Independence Day in New Delhi. While the planet was mostly in the sleep, people around the world were sleeping , India got the freedom from the British Rule. Now India is declared as the largest democratic country in the world. India is known as unity in diversity and is famous in all the world. India has been working to make the secular country where Indian people has become famous and were ready to make the answer for the unity in all sections of society. Our ancestors have struggled hard in the past so that we can live in the free country for the same. Now e can walk in the Independent country. The British rule was not easy to break, with our continuous efforts , The rule of Britishers were removed and the Indian Government was made. We should never forget the efforts of the people who works tirelessly in the welfare of the country. The Freedom fighters were working very hard in the same process. They deserve a salute from all of us. They will always be remembered by us and lives in our heart as a inspirations to all our lifes. Today , Independence Day is a very remarkable day in the history of India. This remembers us the sacrifice of Indian people who have given their lives for the freedom and prosperity of the country. The freedom of India is the result of the cooperation, sacrifice and involvement of all the Indians. The Indians must salute and value all the National heroes who let us live in the Independent country. We should keep faith in the secularism and never be separate to maintain the unity so that no one can break and rule again. We all should take an oath to become highly responsible and well educated for the future of India. We should perform all of our duties and work hard to get the goal and successfully lead this democratic nation. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.